What Is Mining Difficulty and Bitcoin Hashrate?



What Is Mining Difficulty?

What Is Hashrate?


Top 10 PoW Cryptocurrencies

Why BTC Mining Difficulty Is Important?

What Impacts BTC Mining Difficulty?

How to Calculate Estimated Profit from BTC Mining?



Cryptocurrency mining (especially mining of Bitcoins) can be a very profitable endeavor and bring high level yields for crypto miners on a regular basis. Nonetheless, in order to invest capital and earn an awesome return on investments, one must be perfectly aware of the key mechanics, principles, measurements, blockchain specifications and mine algorithms. One of the defining concepts in the BTC mining of new blocks stands out mining difficulty, which directly impacts the mining profitability indicators. In this particular context, the given blog article describes and analyzes what is mining difficulty of a crypto, the hash power, network difficulty and certainly, what is Bitcoin mining difficulty. Time to start a brief crash course in crypto mining.

What Is Mining Difficulty?

Now, let us approach the topic with the definition of what is mining difficulty. By and large, mining difficulty is a metrics of a blockchain networking system that indicates how it is difficult to calculate and solve a math problem in order to find and verify a new block. The end result of crypto mining is receiving a mining reward for the work performed by the miner. Every crypto miner can be in some sense compared with an accountant, who accomplishes his or her hard work on and on.

What Is Hashrate?

There it goes! Hashrate is the total computational power/capacity of the mining hardware that is functioning with the sole aim of minting or creating new virtual currencies. About three or five years go, the hashrate of Bitcoin was measured in Megahashes and Gigahashes, however, with the increased popularity of Bitcoin and drastic mining difficulty, the most reasonable and salient metrics for solving ultra hard math problems is assigned to Terahashes, Ectahashes and Petahashes. This being the case, you can order the preferred hash power capacities on our Hashing24.com website and customize the power plan in strict accordance with your needs and financial stamina.

With H24, mining of Bitcoins turns into an easy walk in the park. You do not need to purchase any expensive mining hardware or install utility or software tools. Every single aspect of BTC is automated to the fullest and you just reap your mining earnings effortlessly and enjoy your passive income in the first and best-performing crypto Bitcoin. To crown it all, you can trade Bitcoin mining contracts in any direction you want or desire: feel free to dissect and unite contracts and speculate on price swings using the online Trading Room functionalities. It is the one and only unique value proposition on the Bitcoin mining arena and you can calibrate your trading strategies with ease and sleeves down.


Mempool is another indicator of the Bitcoin network system that coin holders and virtual currency miners should pay attention to. A Bitcoin mempool encompasses the overall number of TXs that are pending confirmation on the digital ledger. On average, the time lapse from a BTC TX to its appearance in the memory pool totals ten minutes or 600 seconds, respectively. Conversely, when the network grows larger, the volume of TXs waiting in the line grows, and their confirmation time increases. During particularly busy periods, it can take up to a few hourglasses or even business days to give the confirmation to a transaction. 

Each block has its own mempool, and its capacity is possible to be adjusted. A conventional mempool size is just 1 MB. But it can be less or more. Operations that fall into the first MB will be confirmed within about 10 minutes, in the second – within 20 minutes, and so on, that is, the transaction confirmation time increases with each MB. Over the past month, the mempool size has fluctuated from 0.25 MB to 67.8 MB. Before making a transaction, any coin holder can check the mempool load level, for example, on the blockchain.com website.

If the mempool is too busy, and you don’t want to wait all day, the transaction can be moved in the queue, increasing the miner’s commission. The higher the commission, the faster the transaction is processed. Therefore, when the network is overloaded, transactions below the minimum commission simply do not go through. If a user has a small transaction, it is more profitable for him to use second-level solutions, for example, Lightning Network – they bypass the mempool.

Top 10 PoW Cryptocurrencies

The Proof of work consensus obligates participants of a blockchain network to expend their strengths in resolving an intricate cryptographic math task to prevent fraudsters from fooling the ecosystem. Owing to the PoW consensus algorithm in virtual currency mining, the golden standard of all cryptocurrencies Bitcoin as well as other featured altcoins can be processed on a P2P basis in a highly secure fashion, thus omitting the unnecessary third-party involvement. PoW was the pioneer among crypto mining algorithm consensus systems, however other algorithms are making their way in the crypto mining pathways like proof of stake, proof of utility, dpos, dag and lots of others. Nonetheless, let us highlight the top ten PoW cryptocurrencies as sorted by market cap:

–          Bitcoin with a total volume of $2851 billion;

–          Litecoin with a total volume of $604 million;

–          Zcash with a total volume of $87million;

–          Monero with a total volume of $93 million;

–          Ravencoin with a total volume of $11 million;

–          Dogexoin with a total volume of $1067 million;

–          Bitcoin Cash with a total volume of $1547 million;

–          Horizon with a total volume of $16 million;

–          Dash with a total volume of $92 million;

–          Kadena with a total volume of $24 million;

It is not a secret that more and more crypto currency projects are aiming to transfer or transform to other consensus algorithms like proof of stake, for instance. However, that is not the case with Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin Gold. The point is that Bitcoin was created with an aim of a decentralized virtual currency, a stor of value, a medium of exchange. It is a great opportunity to mine BTC via the cloud because the hashrate and mining difficulty indicators are rapidly accommodating, that is why now is the best time to get your share of the lumpy BTC pie.

The global involvement with Bitcoin is impressive: it is virtually everywhere and those skeptics who convinced the audience that BTC is just a bubble just keep silent. The digital future of virtual currencies is right under your nose, you just need to uncover the full potential of BTC and enjoy your lifestyle. Crypto influencers like Elon Musk make history with their tweets and managing crypto portfolios has become a daily routine for investors, institutional traders and crypto adepts alike. Just go with the flow and start earning awesome profits with cutting edge and high tech cloud mining with no stopping.

Why BTC Mining Difficulty Is Important?

Let us sort it out. Indeed, the Bitcoin mining difficulty parameter is crucial because an increased difficulty level boosts the security of the Bitcoin network and prevents malicious cyber attacks on the network. In tandem with the BTC hash rate, BTC mining difficulty impacts the key essence of mining profitability of the leading PoW cryptocurrency and, as a consequence, the total cost of the Bitcoin digital asset. Mining difficulty is correlated directly with the hash rate ratio — when crypto miners turn off their mining rigs, the hash rate index goes downward and vice versa.

Most often, as the hashrate increases, so does the value of the coin. But there were periods when the network capacity continued to increase, while the price of BTC decreased or did not grow, and vice versa. For example, in October 2020, the hashrate of the Bitcoin network collapsed, but there was a bullish trend in the market and the price of Bitcoin did not fall. Therefore, although the hashrate and the value of the coin are interconnected, power indicators cannot be used to accurately predict the price, especially in the short term.

The researchers and renowned crypto experts came to the conclusion that the price of BTC and, accordingly, the profitability of mining, lead to an increase in the hashrate within 1 to 6 weeks, but a decrease in network capacity does not always lead to a price decrease. At the same time, scientists did not consider the impact of halvings (the planned halving of rewards for miners). In May of this year, the Bitcoin hashrate reached its maximum of almost 180 EH/s, and in early July it dropped to 84.7 EH/s, which is the lowest since August 2021 and a record drop in network power (by 54%). Now the hashrate is not stable.

In mid-May this year, the difficulty reached its all-time high of 25 trillion hashes. Now it has dropped to 13.67 trillion – this is the lowest figure since the beginning of 2020. On June 3, the difficulty dropped by 28% at once – the largest drop of all time. Such a drop in hashrate and mining difficulty is due to the ongoing war in Ukraine led by the Russian army. In general, mining difficulty and hashrate are important indicators of the health of the Bitcoin network. But for the most part, they only reflect the general trend and state of the Bitcoin market, and cannot be said to influence it.

What Impacts BTC Mining Difficulty?

To your knowledge, the BTC mining network difficulty in the auto mode after two thousand and sixteen hash blocks have been minted and verified in the Bitcoin networking system. The upward or downward curve of the mining difficulty is primarily dependent on the general number of the crypto miners involved in BTC mining as well as their pooled hash power efforts. The Bitcoin network is purely dependent on decentralized and secure transaction verification and validation whereby any person can become a cryptocurrency miner and mine new hash blocks just like that!

If the global Bitcoin hash rate goes up, this testifies that new BTC miners have joined the complex process of Bitcoin minting. The aforementioned participants join the Bitcoin mining community by setting up their mining hardware (be it ASIC rigs, GPUs, or any other devices), henceforth the computational network hash rate increases proportionally. Stemming from this fact, the time necessary to find and verify a new block is shortened as compared with low hashrate. The universal formula is simple: the higher the hash rate, the less time is required to find a block. And vice versa, the lower the total hash rate, the more time consuming it becomes to create new virtual assets.

How to Calculate Estimated Profit from BTC Mining?

Cloud based Bitcoin mining using the leased hashing power rendered by Hashing24 is very lucrative to platform users. However, you should always remember about the risks involving virtual assets, namely a crazy volatility that can either bring sky-high profits or devastating losses. In order to evaluate potential investment risks and project your future earnings involving advanced virtual asset mining, you are free to choose all and any available options to make things happen the way you want. Let us describe two possible ways to project your return on investment with Bitcoin cloud mining services:

–          Demonstrative mining;

–          Profit calculator.

First and foremost, if you want to get first-hand experience with cloud based mining without risking your capital, then you definitely should try free demonstrative mining and get virtual mined coins in real-time. So, how does it work? It is really as easy as one, two, three. You just select the necessary adjustments to your customized demo mining tariff plan and press start Demo mining. The contract will be fully operational within a twenty eight day period: it is absolutely toll free (does not cost a single penny), the contract is workable under real cloud mining market conditions and as a bonus, you will be receiving weekly notification with reference to the mining rewards received from demonstrative mining.

Second, you can take advantage of the free online mining profit calculator. Since you already know what is difficulty in bitcoin mining, then it should not take a few clicks to make corresponding calculations. In order to know your anticipated passive income from innovative and cutting edge mining, it is necessary to select the hash power measured in Terahashes per second, would-be BTC mining difficulty as well as expected Bitcoin’s price mark. What can be easier than this?


At last, this is the final passage of the topic mining difficulty in its broad sense, Bitcoin mining what is difficulty, hashrate of crypto currencies and other kissing cousin themes. After reading this blog article, you can make well balanced decisions with regard to Bitcoin mining profitability, analyze network difficulty parameters, use handy and nifty features to perform necessary estimation concerning the hash rate capacities, price predictions and other categories. Stay tuned for more new and exciting articles pertaining to the crypto and blockchain sector.

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